Monday, March 22, 2010

Lesson 1: The Present and Present Perfect Subjunctive With Expressions of Doubt

Hi Andrew here, and the first thing Alan and I are going to teach you is The Present and Present Perfect Subjunctive With Expressions of Doubt. What does all that mean? Well You know how in English people will say I doubt that, well in Spanish people use the present and present perfect subjunctive to express doubt. Here are some examples.

Dudo que coman un caballo. OR (I doubt that they ate a horse)

Es posible que ellos el partido. OR (It is possible that they won the game)

Es dudoso que ella se olvido' de su tarea de. OR (It is doubtful that she forgot her homework)

To form this tense you add Dudo que (I doubt that), Es possible que (It is possible that), or Es dudoso que (It is doubtful that), with a verb in the subjunctive.

To place a verb in the subjunctive form switch the ending. If the verb is an AR verb it will have an ER or IR verb ending. For example the verb If the verb has an ER or IR verb ending switch it to an AR ending. For example the verb exisitir will turn into exista, existas, exista, existamos, existais, existan.

Now here are some actual conversations Alan and I have had using the The Present and Present Perfect Subjunctive With Expressions of Doubt:

Que es posible que la esposa de Tiger Woods le dio una paliza (It is possible that Tiger Woods wife beat him up). Dudo que mintio a la policia (I doubt that he lied to the police). Yo No (I dont). Es dudoso que el perdera el Masters (It is doubtful that he will win the Masters). Es dudoso que se quedera casado (It is doubtful he will stay married). Si (yes).