Hey this is Alan and me and Andrew are going to teach you one of the most important tenses in the Spanish Language, the future tense. In Spanish we use the future tense to say what we will do or what will happen, so as you can imagine in Spanish you will use this phrase a lot. For the future tense simply add the endings é, ás, á, emos, éis, án.
Here are some examples: Yo comer changes to YO Comeré, Tu comer changes to Tu Comerás.
Future Tense
Yo Comeré Nosotros Comeremos
Tu Comerás Vosotros Comeráis
El, Ella, Usted Comerá Ellos, Ellas, Usedes Comerán
Now your probably wondering wow this is so easy its almost to good to be true, well it is there are irregular verbs, and there are stem changes, but with practice and determinaion these are easy to learn.
Irregular Verbs
The cool thing about the future tense is the endings are the same for irregular verbs what is different is the stems the verbs take here are some of the ones to look out for.
Tener- Tendr Venir-Vendr
Salir- Saldr Querer-Querr
Haber- Habr Poner- Pondr
Poder- Podr Decir- Dir
Saber- Sabr Hacer- Har