Ok people, out of all the commands in the spanish language, the nosotros version is be far the eaisest of them all. It is VERY simple and you just got to do a very few number of things before you can easily use the Nosotros form correctly. First you should know that the Nosotros form in the same as saming Let's and then adding a verb in the English language. An example is Let's go play checkers would be vamos a jugar damas.
For IR verbs in the nosotros command you change the O to U and E to a U. Example is: Let's play = jugamos
Now guys finally the last thing you need to know. For Affirmative commands put a pronoun at the end of the command, and take away the S before a reflexive pronoun!
I know right now you are like what did this dude just say but let me explain:
Here is : Afeitarse( a reflexive verb) here is how you put in the nosotros form
Take away the Se and add S + nos and you should get this Afeitemonos
See that was easy wasn't it?!! Now you know how to follow the Nosotros commands in spanish just like that!