Monday, April 19, 2010

Lesson 7: The Conditional, Regular & Irregular

Lesson seven is finally here and guess what you get to learn how to use in spanish?!!? The Conditional, Regular, and Irregular tenses! Why should you care cause its possible that this tense could save your life! In Spanish You use the conditional to say what you would do or what a situation would be like. To form this phrase simply add ía, ías, ía, íamos, íais, ían.

Unfortunately there are some irregular verbs for this tense but luckily they all take the same irregular stems they have in the future tense. Decir-Dir, Haber-Habr, Hacer-Har, Poder-Podr, Poner-Pondr, Componer-Compondr, Saber-Sabr, Salir-Saldr, Venir-Vendr, Tener-Tendr, Querer-Querr, Contener-Contendr.