Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lesson 8: Forming the Imperfect Subjunctive

Ok guys lesson eight for you!! You excited?!!? you should be... because all those big spanish websites are going to make learning how to form the Imperfect Subjunctive diffcult, but I'm here to make it easy for average people like you! Ok lets get started! You remember subjuective asks someone to do something, to show an event, and it shows that you are not sure or doubt. Now we shift our views to the Imperfect Subjunctive and all you do is replace the Uds. , ellos and ellas forms of the preterite( that the 1st tense you learned) and you gonna replace the end of it with the -ron and of course with the Imperfect Subjuctive ending. Here is an example of it in a simple spanish words. Estudiar
Estudiara Estudiaramos
Estudiaras Estudiarais
Estudiara Estudiaran


Perdiera Perdiermos

Perdieras Perdierais

Perdiera Perdieran


Subiera Subieramos

Subieras Subierais

Subiera Subieran

There are the forms that help support how to do the Imperfect Subjunctive. Do not forget to put the accent mark over the a or e in the nosotros form i just could not fin the button to show you!! But ya one more thing is all that Spelling changing , irregualr, and stem changing verbs ( that we all love! ya right!) well it is not going to be confusing because they follow the same rules as making the Imperfect Subjunctive so you are good!

So that is all you need to know how to make the Imperfect Subjunctie form in Spanish. Good Job ;-)