So now that you know about the other five tenses guys let me introduce to a sixth one named Present Perfect Subjunctive. This is easy just like the lesson in lesson four, but of course is something totally different. What Present Perfect subjunctive has to with is it talks about situations, action, or events that may or could of occured before the action, event, or situation of the main verb happened. An example sentence in english would be I Am so happy that Phillip has worked out at the gym the last couple of days. See the sentence is an example of present perfect subjunctive in English because it displays something that happened before the main verb.
So Now to form the Present Perfect Subjunctive in spanish, you use the verb haber with a past participle. Here are the following forms:
Haya Hayamos
Hayas Hayais
Haya Hayan
Those are the forms of haber you will need to use while using Present Perefect Subjunctive. Now remember the sentence in English earlier? This is it translated in spanish now: Estoy tan feliz de que Felipe haya trabajado en el gimnasio el ultimo par de dias. See the sentence in spanish shows you how to use this form and the bold red shows you the wording you use! Now just like that you know how to use the Present Perfect Subjuctive! Congrats! Now try Lesson seven if you think you are smart enough!
So Now to form the Present Perfect Subjunctive in spanish, you use the verb haber with a past participle. Here are the following forms:
Haya Hayamos
Hayas Hayais
Haya Hayan
Those are the forms of haber you will need to use while using Present Perefect Subjunctive. Now remember the sentence in English earlier? This is it translated in spanish now: Estoy tan feliz de que Felipe haya trabajado en el gimnasio el ultimo par de dias. See the sentence in spanish shows you how to use this form and the bold red shows you the wording you use! Now just like that you know how to use the Present Perfect Subjuctive! Congrats! Now try Lesson seven if you think you are smart enough!