Thursday, April 22, 2010

Last Lesson guys ;-( Conjugating 1 Regular Verb and 1 Irregular Verb in Every Single Tense That You Know

Well guys this is the VERY last lesson we are going to teach you guys before we say "Adois Amigos"! Now that this is coming to an end why not see how one verb and a irregular verb look like in each tenese that you have learned from lesson one to now! That would be fun would't?!!? Ok guys the regular verb is going to be Cantar, the irregular verb will be jugar. Ok guys lets gooo!!!

Irregular Preterite: Jugar( U> UE)

Juego Juegamos

Juegas Juegais

Juega Juegan

Preterite Vs. Imperfect: Cantar

Preterite Imperfect

Canté Cantamos Cantaba Cantábamos

Cantaste Cantasteis Cantabas Cantabais

Cantó Cantaron Cantaba Cantaban

The Imperfect Tense for Irregular Verb: Jugar

Jugaba Jugábamos

Jugabas Jugabais

Jugaba Jugaban

Negative Tú command : Cantar Jugar

No Cantes No juegue

Usted and Ustedes Commands: Cantar Jugar

Usted: Cante Juege

Ustedes: Canten Jugen

Present Perfect Subjunctive: Cantar

Cante Cantemos

Cantes Canteis

Cante Canten


Juegue Juegemos

Jueges Juegeis

Juege Juegen

Present Perfect Subjunctive: Cantar

Haya Cantado Hayamos Cantado

Hayas Cantado Hayais Cantado

Haya Cantado Hayan Cantado


Haya Jugado Hayamos Cantado

Hayas Jugado Hayais Cantado

Haya Jugado Hayan Cantado

Future Tense: Cantar

Cantare Cantaremos

Cantares Cantareis

Cantare Cantaren


Jugare Jugaremos

Jugares Jugareis

Jugare Jugaren

Future Perfect Tense: Cantar

Hubiere Cantado Hubieremos Cantado

Hubieres Cantado Hubiereis Cantado

Hubiere Cantado Hubieren Cantado


Hubiere Jugado Hubieremos Jugado

Hubieres Jugado Hubiereis Jugado

Hubiere Jugado Hubieren Jugado

Conditional: Cantar

Cantaria Cantariamos

Cantarias Cantariais

Cantaria Cantarian


Jugaria Jugariamos

Jugarias Jugariais

Jugaria Jugarian

Regular: Cantar

Canto Cantamos

Cantas Cantais

Canta Catan


Jugo Jugamos

Jugas Jugais

Juga Jugan

Irregular: Jugar ( as you have seen in the other examples)

Imperfect Subjunctive: Cantar

Cantara Cantaramos

Cantaras Cantarais

Cantara Cantaran


Jugara Jugaramos

Jugaras Jugarais

Jugara Jugaran

Well guys that all the tenses that Andrew and I came up with that are from Spanish! I know it is a lot but once you look at them and see what needs to be changed you will be okay and before you know it you will know ALL the TENSES!! Just keep praticing and putting the time and effort and before you know it, you will not a Spanish Dummy ;-)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lesson 8: Forming the Imperfect Subjunctive

Ok guys lesson eight for you!! You excited?!!? you should be... because all those big spanish websites are going to make learning how to form the Imperfect Subjunctive diffcult, but I'm here to make it easy for average people like you! Ok lets get started! You remember subjuective asks someone to do something, to show an event, and it shows that you are not sure or doubt. Now we shift our views to the Imperfect Subjunctive and all you do is replace the Uds. , ellos and ellas forms of the preterite( that the 1st tense you learned) and you gonna replace the end of it with the -ron and of course with the Imperfect Subjuctive ending. Here is an example of it in a simple spanish words. Estudiar
Estudiara Estudiaramos
Estudiaras Estudiarais
Estudiara Estudiaran


Perdiera Perdiermos

Perdieras Perdierais

Perdiera Perdieran


Subiera Subieramos

Subieras Subierais

Subiera Subieran

There are the forms that help support how to do the Imperfect Subjunctive. Do not forget to put the accent mark over the a or e in the nosotros form i just could not fin the button to show you!! But ya one more thing is all that Spelling changing , irregualr, and stem changing verbs ( that we all love! ya right!) well it is not going to be confusing because they follow the same rules as making the Imperfect Subjunctive so you are good!

So that is all you need to know how to make the Imperfect Subjunctie form in Spanish. Good Job ;-)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Lesson 7: The Conditional, Regular & Irregular

Lesson seven is finally here and guess what you get to learn how to use in spanish?!!? The Conditional, Regular, and Irregular tenses! Why should you care cause its possible that this tense could save your life! In Spanish You use the conditional to say what you would do or what a situation would be like. To form this phrase simply add ía, ías, ía, íamos, íais, ían.

Unfortunately there are some irregular verbs for this tense but luckily they all take the same irregular stems they have in the future tense. Decir-Dir, Haber-Habr, Hacer-Har, Poder-Podr, Poner-Pondr, Componer-Compondr, Saber-Sabr, Salir-Saldr, Venir-Vendr, Tener-Tendr, Querer-Querr, Contener-Contendr.

Lesson 6: Present Perfect Subjunctive

So now that you know about the other five tenses guys let me introduce to a sixth one named Present Perfect Subjunctive. This is easy just like the lesson in lesson four, but of course is something totally different. What Present Perfect subjunctive has to with is it talks about situations, action, or events that may or could of occured before the action, event, or situation of the main verb happened. An example sentence in english would be I Am so happy that Phillip has worked out at the gym the last couple of days. See the sentence is an example of present perfect subjunctive in English because it displays something that happened before the main verb.

So Now to form the Present Perfect Subjunctive in spanish, you use the verb haber with a past participle. Here are the following forms:

Haya Hayamos

Hayas Hayais

Haya Hayan

Those are the forms of haber you will need to use while using Present Perefect Subjunctive. Now remember the sentence in English earlier? This is it translated in spanish now: Estoy tan feliz de que Felipe haya trabajado en el gimnasio el ultimo par de dias. See the sentence in spanish shows you how to use this form and the bold red shows you the wording you use! Now just like that you know how to use the Present Perfect Subjuctive! Congrats! Now try Lesson seven if you think you are smart enough!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lesson 4: Nosotros Commands

Ok people, out of all the commands in the spanish language, the nosotros version is be far the eaisest of them all. It is VERY simple and you just got to do a very few number of things before you can easily use the Nosotros form correctly. First you should know that the Nosotros form in the same as saming Let's and then adding a verb in the English language. An example is Let's go play checkers would be vamos a jugar damas.

For IR verbs in the nosotros command you change the O to U and E to a U. Example is: Let's play = jugamos

Now guys finally the last thing you need to know. For Affirmative commands put a pronoun at the end of the command, and take away the S before a reflexive pronoun!

I know right now you are like what did this dude just say but let me explain:

Here is : Afeitarse( a reflexive verb) here is how you put in the nosotros form

Take away the Se and add S + nos and you should get this Afeitemonos

See that was easy wasn't it?!! Now you know how to follow the Nosotros commands in spanish just like that!

lesson 5: Present Perfect

Hi Andrew here and today we are going to be looking a the present perfect tense. You use the present perfect tense to describe things you have or haven't done at any give moment in time.

To do this simply put a variation of the word haber in front of the verb you would like to use, also change the ending of this verb from ar to aido, or er and ir to ido.

The Present Perfect is very common in every day speech and your ability to use it effectively will go along way towards overall fluency.

he hablado hemos ablado
has hablado habeis hablado
ha hablado han hablado

Friday, March 26, 2010

lesson 3: Future perfect Tense

A lot of times in English we will tell our friends by this time I will have done this, or by the time I am 30 I will have a family, In Spanish we use the Future Perfect Tense to say what will have happened by a certain time or date. For this tense we are going to use the verb haber in its past participle form habré before the verb and change its ending to ado for AR verbs and ido for ER and IR verbs. Here are some examples:

Habrás aprendido a nadar antes de que le doce or You will have learned to swim before you are twelve.

Había Habíamos

Habías Habíais

Había Habían

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Lesson:2 future tense

Hey this is Alan and me and Andrew are going to teach you one of the most important tenses in the Spanish Language, the future tense. In Spanish we use the future tense to say what we will do or what will happen, so as you can imagine in Spanish you will use this phrase a lot. For the future tense simply add the endings é, ás, á, emos, éis, án.

Here are some examples: Yo comer changes to YO Comeré, Tu comer changes to Tu Comerás.

Future Tense

Yo Comeré Nosotros Comeremos

Tu Comerás Vosotros Comeráis

El, Ella, Usted Comerá Ellos, Ellas, Usedes Comerán

Now your probably wondering wow this is so easy its almost to good to be true, well it is there are irregular verbs, and there are stem changes, but with practice and determinaion these are easy to learn.

Irregular Verbs

The cool thing about the future tense is the endings are the same for irregular verbs what is different is the stems the verbs take here are some of the ones to look out for.

Tener- Tendr Venir-Vendr

Salir- Saldr Querer-Querr

Haber- Habr Poner- Pondr

Poder- Podr Decir- Dir

Saber- Sabr Hacer- Har

Monday, March 22, 2010

Lesson 1: The Present and Present Perfect Subjunctive With Expressions of Doubt

Hi Andrew here, and the first thing Alan and I are going to teach you is The Present and Present Perfect Subjunctive With Expressions of Doubt. What does all that mean? Well You know how in English people will say I doubt that, well in Spanish people use the present and present perfect subjunctive to express doubt. Here are some examples.

Dudo que coman un caballo. OR (I doubt that they ate a horse)

Es posible que ellos el partido. OR (It is possible that they won the game)

Es dudoso que ella se olvido' de su tarea de. OR (It is doubtful that she forgot her homework)

To form this tense you add Dudo que (I doubt that), Es possible que (It is possible that), or Es dudoso que (It is doubtful that), with a verb in the subjunctive.

To place a verb in the subjunctive form switch the ending. If the verb is an AR verb it will have an ER or IR verb ending. For example the verb If the verb has an ER or IR verb ending switch it to an AR ending. For example the verb exisitir will turn into exista, existas, exista, existamos, existais, existan.

Now here are some actual conversations Alan and I have had using the The Present and Present Perfect Subjunctive With Expressions of Doubt:

Que es posible que la esposa de Tiger Woods le dio una paliza (It is possible that Tiger Woods wife beat him up). Dudo que mintio a la policia (I doubt that he lied to the police). Yo No (I dont). Es dudoso que el perdera el Masters (It is doubtful that he will win the Masters). Es dudoso que se quedera casado (It is doubtful he will stay married). Si (yes).

Friday, March 19, 2010


Hello, I'm Andrew and me and my friend Alan are going to teach you the intricacies and nuances of the Spanish Language. Actually no were not, but we will teach you many of the basic tenses and rules of the Spanish language that really are essential for anyone trying to learn Spanish. Our teaching style may be a little different than what you are used to, we may be blunt, mean, or even rude but if we are it is because we feel that's the best way you will remember whatever it is we are trying to teach you. So Vamos!